Diploma of Conservation and Land Management AHC51116
Park rangers protect and preserve national, state or local parks, nature reserves and recreational and scenic areas. They also ensure park facilities and equipment are properly maintained, help with guided tours and features of the park, control traffic and participate in search and rescue operations. In 2011 there were 96 people employed full-time as park rangers in South Australia compared with 70 in 2006.
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management/Bachelor of Science (Wildlife Conservation Biology) - University of Adelaide Pathway
This course reflects the role of personnel working in management positions with technical level skill in land management roles.
Certificate III in Mining Exploration
TAFE SA mining and petroleum courses cover the exploration, extraction and processing of minerals, oil and gas. You can study soil science, geology, hydrogeology, mineralogy, petrology, and risk control. Other topics include spatial data, environmental management, and site rehabilitation.
Mining qualifications prepare you for a range of skilled positions in an open cut mine or quarry. Courses in geoscience and exploration qualify you for a career in mineral and petroleum exploration. Or you can train for work in an oil or gas production facility at our Onshore Petroleum Centre of Excellence training facility at Tonsley.
Basic Field Geology - Short Course
TAFE SA mining and petroleum courses cover the exploration, extraction and processing of minerals, oil and gas. You can study soil science, geology, hydrogeology, mineralogy, petrology, and risk control. Other topics include spatial data, environmental management, and site rehabilitation.
Want to know how to recognise geological rocks and landforms?
This short course will provide you with the basic skills to identify minerals and rocks by providing you with hands on experience with a wide variety of specimens. The course will also introduce you to geological maps and discuss simple geological structures.
The course involves both theory and practical work and includes a 1 day field trip.
The course is suitable for anyone aged 16 and over who is interested in geology and learning about minerals and rocks.
last updated: 20th March 2019